Flax seeds

 Flax seeds are a real treasure for health, containing valuable nutritional properties and a huge baggage of vitamins and trace elements.
Peeled flax seeds can be used as a topping in bakery and confectionery products, as well as as an additive to salads, in raw form or in the form of decoctions. Regular consumption of flax seeds helps in the prevention of cancer and problems of the cardiovascular system, in the fight against diabetes, as well as disorders of the gastrointestinal tract. It is recommended to add it to the daily diet to increase the body's resistance to nervous and physical stress, and strengthen the overall immune system. Folk healers make tinctures and decoctions based on them that help treat gastritis, colitis, hemorrhoids, cough and many other ailments. Modern science recognizes its beneficial properties in the regulation of metabolism. Flaxseeds contain up to 40% fat, 22% carbohydrates, 8% fiber. Unlike beans or soybeans, the seeds can be eaten raw.

The unique properties of flax seeds:

- high nutritional value;
- rich vitamin and mineral composition;
- high antiparasitic properties;
- prevention of a large list of diseases;
- anti-inflammatory properties.

Scope of application of flaxseeds: 

- folk medicine;